Can you get sunburn in March?

What do you do to take care of your skin every day? A gentle cleanser and a good-quality moisturiser are absolute basics for healthy skin, but do you wear sunscreen all year round? If you live in the UK and are faced with seemingly endless gloomy days, chances are that sunburn and sunscreen are far from your mind this time of year. However, even on overcast days, the sun’s harmful rays can damage your skin. UVA and UVB rays, the sun’s harmful radiation that causes skin damage, are a problem all year round. Surprisingly you can still get sunburnt in spring, even when it is still cool outside, so you should definitely consider wearing sun cream every day.

What is the difference between UVA and UVB?

In a nutshell, these two types of sun radiation are very bad for your skin but for different reasons. Although they both have the ability to cause skin cancer, UVA rays are responsible for skin ageing and UVB rays cause sunburn.

The levels of UVA and UVB are highest in the hot summer months, however they are still at a harmful level in all seasons, especially UVA. To protect your skin, you should ideally be wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen on any exposed skin every day. Start by making a small change to your daily skincare routine, by using a day lotion with SPF 15, such as Environ’s Alpha Day Lotion.

Did you know that UVA rays can even get through glass? Even on days that you are staying in, it is still worth using a cream with sun protection.

Give your skin a chance to heal

Alongside staying indoors when the sun is at its strongest and shading your face with a hat, wearing a sunscreen helps slow or prevent sun damage and can give your skin a chance to heal. If you choose a good-quality sun cream, you can also treat your skin to multiple benefits at the same time. Environ’s RAD SPF 15 sunscreen contains sun filters and reflectors, alongside a range of properties to help the quality of your skin, such as antioxidants, titanium dioxide, beta-carotene and free radical fighting vitamins C and E.  

How can I help reduce the signs of sun damage?

Sun damage can include pigmentation spots, fine lines and sagging skin caused by the breakdown of the elastic tissue in your skin.

Eating a healthy diet, keeping hydrated and sleeping well will help your skin naturally heal itself to some degree. You can also give your skin a helping hand by taking a targeted vitamin supplement, such as Environ’s Skin Moisture Lock. This supplement contains hyaluronic acid, working from within to help plump the skin. It has been created to help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.

There are a range of topical creams out there that can help reduce the appearance of skin damage on your face. Pigmentation, for example, can be especially problematic, alongside general uneven skin tone. A face mask, such as the Tri Biobotanical Revival Masque has been formulated to help minimise uneven skin tone and promotes natural skin hydration.

For more problem pigmentation, Environ have a range of products in their Focus Care Radiance+ range. The combination of vitamins and botanicals help to address visible sun damage on your face and promotes a more even tone and radiant skin.

For our full range of skin products, including sunscreens, vitamin C creams, and Environ’s mela fade system for sun damaged skin, take a look at the Avenue’s online store for more details.


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